Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Lakota 5-0, No. 13

In this 'episode', it's all about the bickering politicians...with a side of fry bread.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Lakota 5-0, No. 12

This one's for the Occupiers. Of course, this land has been occupied for a long time!

The Sheriff is starting to get 'alien-neck', as I begin to elongate it. I've been correcting it lately. Bah, necks!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Lakota 5-0, no. 11

Number 11. This was done for Halloween. The subject is real for Native Americans. It's also a bit of a tickler. The Indigenous people take it in stride, because no one is going to take away their sweets!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Lakota 5-0, No. 10

This panel was drawn during the heat of an extreme Summer and drought. No trash could be burned, and worst of all, no grilling was allowed!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Previous Strips

For the curious, strips 1-6 of Lakota 5-0 were posted over at Comic Art Fans, a grand site for lovers and collectors of comic artwork—and artists. The previous work can be viewed in my Lakota 5-0 Gallery.

If you are so inclined, you really should sign-up to the site. Great people and artwork, and the site owner(s) and admins really love what they do, and appreciate the artist.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Lakota 5-0, no. 9

Today's Lakota 5-0, introduces a character, Eunice. This wasn't necessarily how I wanted her to look—prim, proper, able-bodied grandmother was whom I was aiming for. Funny how things turn. And yes, the Sheriff is changing for the worse. Go me, never can do the same thing twice as well.

(EDIT) Forget to mention some more detail about this strip's idea. When I came up with the 'story', there was a lot of talk about the national budget, and how it needed to be balanced, and how money needed to be found, and the bickering over frivolous spending. And it's still a hot topic, unresolved.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Lakota 5-0, no. 8

No real inspiration here for number 8, but I did think it would be funny if there was some dangerous animal running amok. Probably got the idea after watching too much 'Animal Rescue'!

The text is kind of tight in this one--I didn't quite balance it out enough; or, there is too much talk. As this is the first upload to Blogger and this blog, I had some trouble with it. For some reason, I couldn't upload the giant JPG version. Oh, well. This is the way it is.


Sunday, November 20, 2011

Drive-In Documentary Needs Help to Play!

Cross-posting this call-out for help. Going Attractions, a documentary about drive-ins and their unfortunate stasis, needs help in finishing the edit. Donate some money for nostalgia and awareness. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1752495099/be-a-part-of-going-attractions-drive-in-documentar

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Passionate Plea for Time

Funny. "Passionate Plea for Time". Time has always been a funny thing to me, ever since I heard that science was connecting it to Black Holes, in a most peculiar way. they say time stretches when around Black Holes. Time doesn't really exist, fools. It's just something man made up to count the days. This time thing is different everywhere, never the same. It's really unreliable.

So, I need more of it. Whenever I'm working on the Lakota 5-0 24 Hour Comics Day book, I get interrupted, or run out of free-time to do any large amount of work on it. So, I could use more time to off-set. Thanks.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Lakota 5-0

I've created this blog in order to post scans of the comic 'strip' Lakota 5-0. Older posts can be found on my Comic Art Fans' gallery. As of late, I've been working on the comic book and not the 'daily', so there haven't been any new posts over on Comic Art Fans, but I have done a few. Those will be posted here. Any update to the book will be posted here as well. :-)